No doubt, man is born healthy. But because of his own folly of lifestyle, he lands in illness. Modern medicines do not suit him best in long-terms, which means today’s era is the best time to get aware about the correct lifestyle for a healthy life.

More than ever, people are aware that invasive and aggressive treatments of diseases do not lead to better health. More so, medical costs continue to escalate; more people are seeking self-empowering alternatives.

Start from feeding oneself to exercise, from prayer to herbs and each & everything; whatever could be done to attain & retain the health, was done. But unfortunately, the development of these systems has been unidirectional.

In real time, when the world searches for natural and safe health alternatives; already traditional healers & holistic nutrition consultants are helping people to become more attuned to their ‘mind & body connection’.

AHA offers the lifestyle academics which works with one’s body, to assist it in its natural ability to heal and maintain health. If you have an interest in working with people, assisting and enabling them to improve, maintain or regain their health and wellbeing, and doing so in a personal, gentle manner; AHA’s academics could well be the best for you!